
Raspberry Pi Projects

  1. Programmed a Raspberry Pi to open my bedroom’s blinds when I clap
  2. Built a low-budget Apple TV device out of a Raspberry Pi
  3. Created a TOR WLAN API thats anonymizes all data by passing it through the TOR Project

Writing Projects

Hamlet Soliloquy Parody (Julius Caesar)

To slay, or not to slay, that is the Question:

Whether ‘tis fairer for the realm to stab

Upon the regal hand of land Straight,

Or become berserk in brazen bollocks

And aimlessly dawdle. To plot—then clot,

Departing; and by a clot to say he bleeds,

The curdling of blood and crowing of tears

That Caesar shall bear: ‘tis an Ambrosia

Yearns the mighty Senate. To kill, to rule;

To rule, perchance to die—ay, there’s the snag:

For follow’t his death what chaos may come,

When we have shaved Caesar to shreds.

Must we pause? And cease reaction

To Augur Pontifex Maximus,

the lecherous carrier of power lust,

Th’treachery bland, the transgression sinful.

The delusion and dread of Despotism,  

The insolence of immoral, and the scorn

Of a republic forgotten this very eve.

When Liberators might regicide commit,

For restoration? Why wouldn’t we maul,  

To Flush wickedness of this state,

Save the dread of something after end,

The turning of the people, from whose bourn

his namesake designated to salads, emperors

Rendering us hands splaying his legacy onward.

For Caesar? No, trust harmony be restored!

Thus, the Senate shall slice Caesar into salad,

And thus the golden hue of ichor

Morphs maroon with mutant mortality,

And debts most inordinate of dictators

On the Ides of March demand blood

And by action Seize her!

— Suraj Anand

Couture for Podded Peas and Child Stargazers and me

A Play on Bukowski’s “Something for the touts, the nuns, the grocery clerks, and you…

  • A tad bit cynical for my taste.

The Last Verse

A collage of last verses read and ruminated

  • Funny and humorous

More coming soon…